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A member registered Apr 02, 2023

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Thank you very much for your answer, I think I have managed to understand how I should do twinw to be able to use it in renpy, except for the numerical variables, which I cannot find the way to perform calculations with them, such as sum of variables. I am sending you the file by mail, but I wanted to thank you openly for your quick response, and this tool that will help me a lot to try to create my visual novel in an orderly manner.

Hi, I'm having a hard time finding information on how to use twine to renpy. So far I have achieved several "successes" by trial and error. I would really appreciate if there is any guide that can help me. Right now I'm trying to find out, if you can use accents in the text somehow, or define and use numeric variables. I have seen that <<set $variable=1>> or <<set $variable=$variable +1>>, doesn't work either, even if I define the variable in twine as <<set $variable to 1>>